This will make 12 Twisted Texas Twinkies
6 Large Jalapenos
1 Stick Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1/4 Cup of Sweet Chili Sauce
1/4 Cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Tsp of your favorite rub
1/2 lb. of Shredded Brisket
12 slices of bacon
To prepare:
Step one: In a medium mixing bowl combine Cream Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, Sweet Chili Sauce, rub, and half of the shredded brisket (Save the remainder to layer on stuffed jalapeno) . Mix until well blended and creamy.
Tip: Sometimes it helps to soften the cream cheese in the microwave for 20 seconds or so.
Step Two: Slice Jalapenos in half. Core seeds from jalapeno making a clean jalapeno boat. Stuff jalapenos with cream cheese brisket mix.
Once stuffed, lay a layer of the remaining brisket on top of stuffed jalapeno.
Wrap jalapenos with one slice of bacon. Use a toothpick to pin bacon to the pepper.
Sprinkle some of your favorite rub on bacon wrapped jalapeno
Step Three: Place on smoker at 275. Smoke until bacon is done. Approximately 60-90 minutes
For added goodness, brush with Blues Hog Raspberry Chipotle Sauce for the last few minutes or Kirt loves to use his Su V Gun to carmelize. (you can also broil in the oven for a few minutes).
Step Four: Enjoy!